Hi everyone!  I just wanted to throw in an additional warning after reading
a response to my Ivomec ear mite treatment post.
Ivomec is relatively safe, and it is rare for a reaction to occur, but the
reactions that *can* occur are serious enough that they can be fatal.  I
do not suggest ever medicating a ferret or any other animal with anything
unless under the direct supervision/advice of a vet (even if you know what
the correct dose is).  Ivermectin is a heartworm preventative among other
things, and as such, can be fatal if given to a ferret with undiagnosed
heartworm disease.  I don't know the specifics of other reactions to using
it other than *if* they occur, they are usually very serious and possibly
fatal.  I do think it is a valuable treatment option for ferrets with
mites, but just wanted to be sure that the possible risks are known and to
discourage people from trying it on their own.  I know that is not what Kim
was suggesting, but at the same time, I just wanted to be absolutely sure
that it was not misunderstood.  Even at the correct dosage, it can cause a
If you wish to try this treatment, take the kids to vet and let him or her
administer it, at *least* for the first dose to be sure there is no
sensitivity to it.  Think of it in the same terms as you would vaccination
reactions or whatever.  They can and do occur, we can't tell which ones
will have a reaction, so it is better to be safe than sorry.  Thank
you........this ends our public service announcement for today :o)
Stacia and the fuzzies:
Krishna, Kali, Rama, Sati, Lakshmi, Tandu, and Bhut
Kim wrote:
>I have not used Ivomec on my ferrets (yet), but as a wildlife rehabber I do
>use it on a variety of wildlife.  I give it either orally or by injection
>(it has quite a bitter taste).  I use it to get rid of fleas, lice, mites,
>ticks, or any other external parasite.  I have never had a problem with it
>and have used it in squirrels, raccoons, skunks, rabbits, opossums, etc.
[Posted in FML issue 2440]