Twinkle Toes wrote, in part:
>Living down in Southern Texas, fleas have proven to be an enormous problem.
>They're everywhere, and it never freezes to kill them off.... It's a
>constant war with us that we'll never win.  I can't wait till we move to a
>colder climate where they aren't so prevalent.  Maybe they'll leave us
>alone then.
I've won my little War on Fleas!
My guys live in a no-freeze climate too, and for a couple of years I tried
all kinds of stuff (flea comb, frequent washing/bleaching of bedding in hot
water, boric acid, garlic, eucalyptus, even flea bombs) to kill off the
fleas, but all I managed to do was keep them under some semblance of
control.  Everybody was still itchy all the time, and I even had a few flea
bites myself.
Finally, Advantage came to market.  The vet sold me enough for 6 months and
showed me how to apply it.  After the first two months, I was amazed to
find that were just no fleas left in the house.  I went ahead and applied
one more month's worth (you put a tiny amount on the back of their necks
once a month) just to be sure, but that was the last time I used it, and we
haven't seen any fleas in at least two years now.  (I still have three
months' worth left, although I suppose it's expired by now.) I still flea
comb them occasionally because it lets me check their skin for other
problems, especially after walks outside, but whatever fleas they might
pick up outside just don't seem to be able to get a foothold in the house
This Advantage stuff is totally great for killing fleas, and I think
whatever small risks it has as a non-natural chemical are thoroughly
outweighed by the improved quality of life for all of us.
Happy Ferreting!
P.S.  I don't knowingly own any part of whatever company it is that makes
Advantage--I'm just a very satisfied customer.
[Posted in FML issue 2439]