I won't go into great details about Timmy going to Rainbow Bridge Thursday
night but I will tell you what I have learned in the two years I had him.
Timmy was a tiny little one who did not have a good start in life.  But,
he lived each day, he lived to the hilt and enjoyed life itself.  Through
Timmy, I learned to respect the little things in life, enjoy what I had,
and take the time to enjoy life itself.  Every morning and evening I would
drink my coffee, while Timmy ate his special food on my lap, and would end
the meal by cleaning his face on my shoulder.  This I soon called the
"Timmy Time Out Time"  While giving him is medicine several times a day,
encourageing him to eat, this time soon turned into a "Special" time.  I
learned how to relax, spend quiet time appreciating the little things,
learned not to give up on a new ailment, and waiting for his way of saying,
"Boy, that was good".  I MISS THIS TIME.  But I have not forgotten this
time and tend to spend it thinking of positive things.  Ferrets give, give,
and give some more, but they don't ask for much in return.
The picture below is how I think Timmy is looking today.  Eyes bright, able
to see, a tail full of hair, and happy knowing how much love and joy he
brought into my life.
    (I got permission to use this picture from ssawyer....thanks)
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Thank you Timmy for all you gave us, I am a richer and wiser person knowing
Kathy          Bandit & "The Gang"
[Posted in FML issue 2438]