>From:    Leslie Miller <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Clumsy Ferrets and Midwest cage woes
>there is going to be an injury eventually.  Does anyone know where I can
>purchase additional "shelves" for this Midwest monster or any other
>suggestions on how I can keep 'em from falling?
I do believe you can get extra shelving for Midwest cages from "For Ferrets
Only" at 1-305-378-8877.  Note that they only man the store on weekends from
Noon until 6 p.m. (eastern) but they have an answering machine on all other
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke, [log in to unmask]
* Secretary, South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue, Inc.
* Visit our web site: http://www.miamiferret.org
[Posted in FML issue 2420]