It is with a very sad and heavy heart that I write this e-mail.  On
Wenseday afternoon my Baby Boy Pinky ( a fat cinamon with a gentle
disposition) got out the door when my 14 year old sister came home from
school.  She failed to tell my husband and I and when I noticed he was
missing we started the house hunt.  And then the neighborhood.  The
shelters, the vets, the pet stores, the news paper and flyers in over 100
mailboxes in our neighborhood.  On Friday I got 2 calls saying they saw
Pinky on Thrusday and didn't know if he was tame so they didn't try to pick
him up.  And about 7 pm Friday our search was over with a sad ending.
Pinky was bitten to death by a dog.  We found his frail little body next to
a bush , next to the road.  There are so many lose dogs in the neighborhood
that there is no telling which one did it.  Poor Pinky deserved better then
to die that way all alone and scared.  I love him so much the tears just
won't quit falling.  Our other 8 ferrets are missing Pinky something
terrible.  He was always the life of the house with a sweet kiss for
everyone and a sweet swagger when he waddled.  I hope he knows how sorry I
am and how much he is missed and loved.  We burried him today next to his
two brothers that passed before him Trent & Twinkie so at least he has them
to greet him at the rainbow bridge.
Jennifer & Bobby Kelley and the 8 carpet sharks with 3 ferret angels
looking down on us.
I ask that all of you kiss your ferrets and hug them tight and I pray this
tradgedy never happens to your family.
good bye Pinky my little fat fur baby know that we love you and that Daddy
& I miss you dearly.  And give Twinkie & Trent a kiss for us.  See you one
day my sweet friend.
[Posted in FML issue 2437]