Hi One Last Time ;o)
Fer today anyhoo eh! We just want to say Thanks!! And, . . .
>From:    Dan and Kathy Goodhart <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Pedialyte Kills!!!!
>Sadly, some of the newer ferret people do not know that some of our posts
>contain certain assumptions and instead interpret them for what they say in
>words.... Many times we give each other advice to use Pedialyte for a sick
>ferret.  Other times we report our use of Pedialyte and it comes across as
>a primary treatment for various symptoms to an inexperienced ferret person.
>What we don't realize is that there are many people who do not understand
>what Pedialyte is for.
What a terribly heartbreaking situation, our hearts are deeply touched!
Though you don't give contact info fer the mommy here, please pass along
our deepest heartfelt sympathies to her in this awful loss of her babe.
We want to thank you for pointing this vital info out, while it's tragic
that this occurred prior, and even more so to us as we have in fact had
these same concerns before and had failed to act upon them and post with
our concerns, we are thankful that you have done so now.  It is surely a
truth that sometimes we who do know ferts so well, take that info for
granted as we assist those who do not know yet, though it's not any sort
of intentional practice, and certainly no harm or malice has ever been
intended by any ommision, we none the less, often fail to give vital and
necessary "supplemental" or "additional" information in regards to the
subjects we post about.  We here, from now on, shall truly make constant
effort to provide such important details in our future posts, whether or
not the information seems as though it should be assumed, presumed, and
The whole reason we subscribed to the FML was to give those who did not
have our experience/knowledge with ferts assistance that would benefit
their fuzzbabes, we sincerely regret in our effort we unintentionally have
on occasion done an inadequate job of doing so in the process.  NOW before
anyone jumps up and down to defend their own participation Please Note: we
are simply owning up to our own lack and error in this regard, and are NOT
pointing the finger at all, nor stating that anyone else should feel as we
do about the matter!  Though, if ya do accept any sorta responsibility in
kind, we applaud ya, and hope you too will attempt to do better in future
as we intend to.  We believe the issue is NOT one of finding fault
ultimately, BUT rather is more simply an opportunity for improvement in
future, no one can turn back the clock BUT we all have control over our
todays and tomorrows.
Ferris "I is berry sad fer dat fuzzle and mommy!"
and his mom
Deba Brezden
[Posted in FML issue 2436]