Hi there!  From what I know about ferrets and allergies, people who have
allergies do *not* tend to be allergic to ferrets - I don;t think it's a
common allergy, the way cats are for example.  On the other hand, I get the
impression (and this is all antecdotal evidence, not studies) that ferret
alleriges tend to be rather severe when they do exist.  I myself am
midly-to-middling allergic to almost anything that breathes and bears fur,
and I noticed a reaction to the ferrets when I got them for the first time.
These symptoms did diminish as I got used to the beasties, but when I added
a new one this year, I ended up in the hospital, and I have *never* been
anywhere near that bad before!  So yes, your sister & in-law-to-be may be
allergic, even if they don;t have other alleriges, and it may be a
relatively strong reaction.  On the upside, if they have frequent contact
with the ferrets, the symptoms may diminish, and if they don;t have
frequent contact, well, all the better!  I wouldn't reccommend they kiss
your ferret on the lips, though...:)
Megan and the allergens
Anastasia ('Stop wheezing, I can't sleep.')
Lexie ('I knew that new girl would be trouble.')
Sammi ('I didn't *mean* to send you to the hospital, Mom, really!')
        "I do it for the joy it brings,
          because I'm a joyful girl."
                        - Ani di Franco
[Posted in FML issue 2435]