Howdy Ferret Folks,
I hope the header to this post got your attention.  It is meant to get
experienced and inexperienced ferret people to read and take note.  For
those of us who have been in the ferret world for a while, what I am about
to say is obvious.  Sadly, some of the newer ferret people do not know that
some of our posts contain certain assumptions and instead interpret them
for what they say in words.
I received a telephone call two nights ago from a girl whose ferret had
been sick for some time.  ( I am telling her story with her permission).
Let us not be judgmental toward this person I will describe, but instead
offer her your sympathy, as she is horrified at her misinterpretation of
information she picked up from various sources, including the Internet.
She had been to the vet several times but could find no relief for her
little one.  When she called me, her ferret had lost an extreme amount of
weight and she didn't know what to do.  I met her at the Emergency Clinic
and found an extremely emaciated ferret.  Today, the little one died.  The
cause: Starvation.
Many times we give each other advice to use Pedialyte for a sick ferret.
Other times we report our use of Pedialyte and it comes across as a primary
treatment for various symptoms to an inexperienced ferret person.  What we
don't realize is that there are many people who do not understand what
Pedialyte is for.
Pedialyte is a liquid which carries electrolytes.  Electrolytes are used
to replenish minerals lost from the body through dehydration.  The liquid
medium also contributes to the treatment of dehydration.  Severe
dehydration can cause multiple problems in any creatures system and
therefore must be immediately treated.  We mostly talk about electrolyte
treatment (Pedialyte) when discussing symptoms including diarrhea.
Pedialyte has no, nada, none, not a one of nutritional or food value.  A
ferret undergoing electrolyte therapy MUST be monitored to be sure it is
eating.  One of the side effects of dehydration is or can be loss of
appetite.  This is where the A/D, various baby foods and duck soups for
hand feeding come into play.  It is they and NOT the electrolytes in
Pedialyte which nourish and make a ferret stronger and help it pull through.
  The person I have described interpreted her information to believe that
Pedialyte WAS a nutritional supplement and it never occurred to her to hand
feed separately.  Since the weight loss was progressing through her veterinary
treatments, and her vet never specifically told her to hand feed, she did not
realize that she was in fact, starving her ferret.   Again - let us not be
judgmental here. I have met many a person, intelligent and not, who truly
believe that a distemper shot makes a dog even tempered!
For those without a lot of experience in sick ferrets, please take note.
For those of you who are constantly caring for one fuzzy or another, and
giving advice to others, please, please, please include in your posts the
importance of insuring that the ferret is also eating, be it kibble or one
of the hand feeding mixes.  At any given time, a new person will join us
seeking advice.  Some will already know some things, some will not.  Let us
assume that we are all uneducated and spell out everything.
This is the first fatal call I have received concerning the improper use of
Pedialyte.  It is, however, the third call this year from a ferret person
using Pedialyte as the SOLE treatment thinking it was a food substitute.
As always, a veterinarian is best.  If in doubt, ask your vet questions,
even if the questions seem stupid to you.  If you seek or give advice on
treatments, please, please, please make sure you are detailed in your
advice or ask questions if you are not sure.  Never, never assume, as it
could cost a little one its life.
Jingles did not have to leave so soon.  His mom had only the best
intentions.  She spent a lot of money on veterinarians and many, many hours
worrying and caring for her little one.  Sadly, and completely devastating
to her, a misunderstanding caused all her efforts to have the reverse
Lets all remember Jingles and send positive energy to his Mom.
My luv to the fuzzies!
Kathy Goodhart
Goodhart's Little Buddies
PO Box 8128
Cave Creek, Az 85327
(602) 465-9887
5-pound bag of Totally Ferret ferret food just $17.99, including shipping
anywhere in the continental US!  Shelters and Breeders contact us if you
would like to become dealers!
Ask us about the Diplo-Mat - the only sure protection against carpet
diggers!  Only a few left in stock before the manufacturer's price
Only the Best for Our Little Buddies!
[Posted in FML issue 2435]