1) Since domestication ( process of change brought about by genetic drift
that allows the organism (plant or animal) to improve its survival in the
face of new changes) gives an organism escape from extinction, how can this
same organism survive if it has completed its domestication (unable to
reproduce) and cannot compete successfully with its advancing competitors?
2) Can any organism, plant or animal, give to its offspring the survival
genes, those pieces of recombinant DNA needed for the future generation(s)
if it cannot go through the process of transferring from father/mother to
son/daughter generation when the process of transference is incontrovertibly
blocked by desexing that organism?
Answers to 1) and 2):  It can't.
Consider the gene pool of the ferret: for every ferret that is
prepubertically desexed, one tiny drop of survivability of the ferret
species is drained from that pool.  The pool becomes shallower and shallower
day by day and a time will come when it it is dried and shriveled, dried and
emptied.  The ferret will vanish from the face of the earth.  The ferret
will become extinct.
Do you think you are driving the ferret towards extinction every time you
buy a prepubertically neutered ferret, the Marshall Farm's variety or any
other?  Do you really care?
Is this something to consider?  You decide.
Of course, there is a way out.  That way is through ferret cloning.  By
cloning ferrets the evolutionary process may be accelerated beyond our
greatest imagination.  Would you like a ferret as big as a German shepherd?
With legs like a greyhound and ears like a fennec fox?  How about a ferret
that could mimic simple human speech like my magpie?  Beyond belief?  Not
really.  We already got one . . .  it's the angora ferret!  (not cloned)
Eugenics is the word.  Eugenics is the way.  Eugenics is the method whereby
races may be grown far beyond what is in existence now.  Some day, there may
even be a ferret super race . . .  but not if you keep buying the majority
ferret of today's marketplace.
The one constant in this universe is change.  You either "Go with the flow"
or you'll be left behind to wither and die.
Edward Lipinski, Der Wahrheitskaempe von Frettchenvergnuegenland dabei,
der sagt, "Frettchen . . . leben Sie wohl." [G.]  Edward Lipinski, the
champion of truth from ferret joyland who says,  "Live well . . . ferret"
[Posted in FML issue 2387]