This week on Animal Planet, there was a show called Wild Rescues.  They had
the founder of PAWS (Performing Animal Welfare Society) on the show.  PAWS
is a shelter that takes in abused circus and other performing animals.  She
talked about saving abused wild animals, including Elephants, Tigers, Lions,
Panthers, Monkeys, and Ferrets.  She then showed two adorable sables ferrets
in a tiny little cage she was keeping at her shelter.  She stated that too
often people take home an adorable kitten only to realize after it is too
late that they cannot handle the big cat it has become, or they bring home
a cute ferret, only to discover how dangerous this animal can be around
children.  I don't think we need to start a hate mail campaign against this
woman who truly seems to love animals and does have there best interest at
heart.  I do think she needs to be educated about the ways of the domestic
ferret, though.  Is there anyone in California or surrounding areas
(preferably a shelter mom or dad) that could contact her directly to inquire
about the ferrets on the show?  Even if it is to offer advice on their needs
and educate her about the truth on the domestic ferret?
I sent the following e-mail :
Subj:   PAWS on Animal Planet
Date:   8/12/98
I just saw the piece on Animal planet about PAWS.  I think what your
organization is doing is terrific, and I am in agreement that wild animals
should not be kept as pets.  However, I do want to take issue with a comment
your founder made regarding ferrets.  Contrary to what she may think, and
what California Dept.  of Wildlife may state, ferrets are NOT Wild animals.
Ferrets are domesticated in every since of the word, just as house cats,
dogs, horses, pigs, and cattle are domestic.  Ferrets have been companion
animals almost as long as cats & dogs.  They were used for their hunting
abilities in Europe for the past couple of thousand years.  They make
excellent companions for those living in small apartments, and are far less
dangerous to children than your average dog or cat.  I have five ferrets
now, and I trust them around children, and adults.  Although, I would never
trust any animal, no matter how sweet, around a young child unsupervised.
Ferrets should not be singled out, when Dogs and cats do far more damage to
children than ferrets.
My ferrets do not bite, and are extremely affectionate and lovable.  They
are not this way because they are wild animals, they are this way because
they have been bred with these traits to serve human interests.  If these
domestic ferrets were released into the wild to fend for themselves, they
would not survive.
I invite your founder to learn more about these amazing domesticated
creatures by checking out , and  Also, I plead,
If you have ferrets at your shelter, please consider turning them over to
one of the licensed ferret shelters in California or Nevada where they can
be properly cared for.  Domestic ferrets have special needs and concerns
that can be better handled by the experts.  I would be happy to help you
locate someone close by who can offer assistance with any ferrets you may
have in your care.
Please try to remember also, that just because California has branded
ferrets and ferret lovers as outlaws, the rest of the continental United
States allow ferrets as companion animals.  Try to see through DF&G's
political war against ferret owners & understand that they are truly
Adrienne Williams
Proud ferret lover - Burnt Hills, NY
[Posted in FML issue 2400]