>From:    Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Clarifying Amy's Post
>Can someone clarify for me if the GLFA is a membership organization which
>sanctions shows like the AFA, or simply a sancitoning organization with no
>members, like LIFE.  Thanks!
As far as I am aware the GLFA does not sanction shows (at least I have never
heard of it).  They are a club in MI with lots of members.  They do have
their own show standards & train their own judges.  Is that the case with
LOS?  Or all they all sanctioned by LIFE?  I am not a member & never have
attended a LOS show, so I am not sure how that works.  I know that the GCFA
in past years used independent judges, in recent years some (if not all) AFA
judges.  Does LIFE have their own standards & judges?  I am assuming so
since they sanction shows.
>From:    Vickie LoMonaco <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: A question and a comment
>I'm worried about her because, although she was quite plump and soft and
>healthy-looking, she had a mat of hair under her tail that looked like it
>had poop stuck in it, and the other thing is that, at the time anyway I
>thought maybe she had a prolapsed rectum that was swollen and sticking out
>about a quarter inch; but after we left, I got to thinking that maybe it
>wasn't her rectum but her vulva?
Her vulva should not be inflamed like that (unless she has an infection).
Sounds like a rectal prolapse to me.  She may be having diarrhea - this
would explain the prolapsed rectum & matt of feces stuck under her tail.  Or
she may not be getting enough liquids- thus making her have hard poopies &
her rectum prolapse from straining.  Another possibility is the prolapse
could be from trauma of descenting.  If she is prolapsed, it needs to be
found out why & then action may be taken.  Prolapses usually go away on
their own if properly treated - rare cases may need to be medically
Amy Flemming
Flemming Farms
[Posted in FML issue 2400]