>From:    Kerry Williams <[log in to unmask]>
>It was obvious this person had no clue about ferrets.  We found it hard to
>believe that their care and marketing to the public would be entrusted to
>someone like this.  We felt sorry for the "biter".  He will probably never
>find a good home while that store has him.
Unfortunately, most pet store employees are even trained in proper customer
relations, never mind taught about the proper care of the animals in their
charge.  I had an experience in our local pet store that illustrates this.
I was in the bird room (also the small animal area) and since the birds are
all out on open perches, often one or more will be on the floor.  When I
felt something on my shoe I looked down to see a black-headed caique (truly
funny, clowny little parrots) sitting on my hiking shoes and playing with
the shiny speed laces.  My natural reaction?  Pick him up!  I had been
playing with him for perhaps 30 seconds when one of the employees (an older
woman who should have known better) went by me like a whirlwind, never even
slowed down, snatched the bird from me and said "You're NOT supposed to be
handling them!".  Well EXCUSE ME, would you prefer I stepped on him instead?
Or maybe I should have just stood there and yelled for "help".  "Help!
There's a handfed perfectly tame baby bird on my shoe!  Get him off!"
Anyway, though not a ferret story it does show that these people need a lot
more training in how to relate not only to the animals, but also to the
customers.  There have been a few good employees now and then - not all are
bad.  But it's the management to go to when you have a real problem.
Talking to the employee usually goes exactly nowhere.
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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for you are crunchy and taste good with Ferretone.
If you love ferrets, check out:
[Posted in FML issue 2400]