>... So this is where the FML is invaluable.  Maybe someone 9,000 miles
>away has experience with a particular illness and may be able to offer
>information that will save your ferrets life.
I couldn't agree with your observations more!  You have an excellent
perspective on the FML.  This sort of dialog on the FML make it worth
reading through all the other not-so-good stuff.
Actually, the very best time to read the FML is when there is nothing wrong
with your ferret.  The best way to get information about ferrets is to read,
read, read.  Read the Medical FAQ at Ferret Central, read the
Hillyer/Quesenberry book, read the new Fox book, get active in a ferret club
if possible, volunteer at a ferret shelter, network with lots of people,
etc.  All of these are great sources of information both before and after
illness strikes.  You can find out what is normal and what is not and detect
problems much earlier.
But because ferrets are creatures that can become very ill quickly, it's not
good to observe that your ferret is ill, post to the FML, and then wait for
a response.  This process of waiting >24 hours can cost a ferret its life if
it is something serious.
It's up to each of us to use some common sense and not rely soley on
postings which may or may not be accurate.  Not everyone has access to a
veterinarian who specializes in ferrets.  Or perhaps they simply want a
second opnion or other suggestions.  I've used the FML for that a couple of
times.  And besides, my vet, whom I've trusted and learned much from, is
leaving this area to live in Dallas next month so I'm being forced to find
another vet.  (Dallas, get ready for a great vet who is really good with
ferrets and has a lot of common sense himself!  His name is Kimber Brawley.)
One thing that I started (but haven't been very good about keeping up
unfortunately) is a notebook with tabs for different subjects like Diet,
ECE, Training, Treats, Insulinoma, etc.  As I read what I think is a good
post, I copy the data and place it in the notebook (medical stuff gets
reviewed by my vet first).  That way, when this situation comes up, I have
another resource for information and ideas.
[Posted in FML issue 2400]