I loved reading the nicks, so i'll add mine :)
Ricochet:   Rikki, Rikki-bo, Baby, Plump-o, Meatball, Rico, BFR (Big Fat
Rikki),     mommy's lil boy
NewGuy:    Newgie, NewGuy-bo, buttmunch, spiteful, sphinx ( he sometimes
           lays there like the sphinx), GewNuy (goonie), F-A-S-T Fast!
Sydney:    Syd-bo (seeing a pattern?), gorgeous, supersyd (she lays in her
hammock with her arms stretched in front of her like she's flying), Sydney
White-Knees, cutsie, Hissy
Jedda:    Jedda-ma-bedda, Jed-bo, JeddaHead
Quinn:    Quinn-bo, Queen, Queen-bo, FatGirl, Plump-ette, mommy's lil girl
Nichole and the 6 fuzzies ..
[Posted in FML issue 2399]