What brand of the NEW FOOD killed your ferrets??????
Fun note:
Ruby cat,who does not walk on floors, was traveling by overhead route.
Supersnooper was standing on Ruby's landing spot.  Ever see a cat make a
midcourse correction?  correction was unsuccessful, cat and ferret landed on
the floor (about a foot down), cat was running for her life with 4lb ferret
attached to her tummy fur (Ruby is an angora), Gray Boy was coming around
the corner and Ruby ran into him - which invoked a hissing contest.
SuperSnooper then chased BOTH cats out of the room into the kitchen.  Sure
beats TV!!
I loved the Native American ferret tale!
Nan and SuperSnooper
p.s. SuperSnooper just made a sneak attact on Gray Boy, ever see a big
ex-tom cat (15lb) run with his tummy an inch off the ground?? <GGGGG>
[Posted in FML issue 2399]