You know, the senseless brutality of people never ceases to amaze me.  Today
in the Salt Lake City Tribune there was an article about two men who beat a
ferret to death Sunday morning in a Provo, Utah, apartment complexwith a
broomstick and lawn furniture.  His owner picked him up as he was drawing
his last breath.
The reason for this horrible crime?  These two men had taunted the ferrets
owner, according to the paper's account "for being a Lesbian."
How can people be to horrible?  One person's sexual preferences has nothing
to do with someone else's and certainly not with their pets.  Now, a sweet,
innocent little soul named Bandit has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  He
suffered a horrifying, painful and agonizing death because of two idiots
How many more animals must suffer because of such lunacy.  You know, too,
people who abuse animals rarely stop there.  I pray to God there are no
young children, elderly adults or pets in their care.
God be with you, little Bandit, and with your poor, hurting Mommy.
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert and Elsie Garcia
"Crying Behind The Zion Curtain......And Praying For Bandit And His Mommy"
[Posted in FML issue 2399]