I have read Ed Lipinski and, although I have a little trouble with his
attitude, I feel he does care about ferrets and does want to help others
to take better care of them.
I too have wondered why so many cases of cancer and adrenal failure and
fatal illnesses.  Is it American breeding, are their foreign cousins not
having the problems because of different air and water (or why not breed
their resistance into our stock), is it something we are doing wrong in
handling and diet?
I have problems with taking advice from citical sources and being bashed
over the head with it.  BUT I am wondering if Ed might have something
with what he says and does for his ferrets - 17 years IS worth bragging
about, it can't be all an accident, especially if this is a shelter
taking in "strays".  Totally Ferret is expensive and I feed it with the
hopes it will keep my little darlings healthy.  I would not mind mixing
up a soup once a day if it did more than Totally could and did protect
them from these ailments.  Not only do I want to avoid vet bills, I
don't want to stay up all night nursing a sicky, eat up with fear I am
going to lose this loved one.  They are too dear to me and no amount of
numbers can replace that individual.
I am wondering if there is any testimony from those who have followed
his advice and what results they saw.?????
Millie with
Easy Off - the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammmonia - if I hear the word "mostperfect" again, I'm going to upchuck
Cascade - the observer, don't you come near me, I'll die, surely I will
Ajax - yet to come - Mama, they have attitudes, I'll stay here with you
[Posted in FML issue 2399]