>I was cuddling my Zorro this morning when I noticed that one of his upper
>canines seems blunt, as if he may have broken the tip of it off.  Should I
>take him to the vet? ...
Hi Lisa
My ferret also has a broken tooth which turned yellow as it was damaged.
The vets' comment when he saw it during a checkup was that if the ferret
was brought in after the injury he could have done something to minimize
possible damage.  As I didn't know when it happened it was a moot point.
The vet doesn't reccommend pulling it as long as it is healthy as these
canines are very very long and it would be very painful for the ferret.  I
keep checking the gum around the tooth and as long as it doesnt become
infected or get red I don't have to worry!  If it does get infected it
might have to be polled :(
hope this helps
>I need some help from you breeders out there.  Two weeks ago I purchased a
>new kind of ferret food.  Four days after I started using it, Shasta,
>Willma, Serene, Pigglet, Bobbi, were dead.
What food is this??????
Thanks, Pamela  with DiDi & Io
Pamela   with DiDi & Io
[Posted in FML issue 2399]