Hi everyone,
I need some help from you breeders out there.  Two weeks ago I purchased a
new kind of ferret food.  Four days after I started using it, Shasta,
Willma, Serene, Pigglet, Bobbi, were dead.  There were never any signs that
anything was wrong, so this came as a heart-breaking shock.  Six days after
the first 6 ferrets had died, the seventh ferret that had gotten the food,
Trouble, also died, again not showing any signs of illness.  We (my family
and I) are now filing a lawsuite <sp?> against the maker of the food, as
Trouble's autopsy showed signs of poisoning.  Our laywer has asked us to
get some information from several other breeders, so that it is not just my
word against the maker of the food.  The information I need to have is:
1. the average size of a litter of ferret kits
2. the average price of a breeder-quality ferret (male and female)
3. the average price of a ferret kit
4. the number of times a female ferret can be bred in one year
5. the number of years it is safe to breed a ferret
If any of you are willing to send me an email with this information in it,
I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Ferret Love & Dooks
Sunshine Ferretry & Shelter
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ICQ UIN 16840144
web pager: send me a message instantly at
[Posted in FML issue 2398]