Did I even tell you folks about how when we first got Scooter with his
malformed hand a friend cuddled him and mournfully said, "And it's his
writing hand, too!"?
That hand is still a bit on the tender side so if he hits it wrong it
sometimes gets a touch swollen.  Because lips are more sensitive that hands
I monitor it's temp (to make sure it goes down fast as it always has) by
placing it against my lips.  Now, whenever it's sore Scooty will just shove
it against my lips, or -- if my mouth happens to be open -- into my mouth.
'Chopper (the Mad Teapot, the Organic Helicopter, Little Pain in the ---)
gave me a look which I think amounted to "Do your job, lady!" today.
Meeteetse has an obesity problem and when she gets too heavy she tends
toward vaginal infections from her belly draging where it should not.  Since
her vagina once prolapsed from a prolonged antibiotic resistent infection
The Fly (also 'Teetse, Tot, and several others) and never went back in
completely flush it is more easily infiltrated.  Anyway, she's got a very
mild vaginal infection now which gets special cleaning.  It was due to be
cleaned when 'Choppie insisted on leaving her cage, going over the others'
cage, cleaning The Fly's privates, staring at me pointedly (which is a
little hard for an old blind ferret to do, but she remembers) and then
going back to her cage.  I immediately pulled out the Xenodine.  Hey, I
know my place!
'Teetse is 6 and look and acts 3, BTW.
Well, have to go; I am supposed to make a call to help try to clear up the
Hackensack mess.
(Hoping to see the Persied Meteor Showers this week even though the moon is
being uncooperative, hoping the cause of Spot's chronic infection stops,
and hoping that we can back to what matters on the list -- Hey, three hopes
for one week.  What are your hopes?)
[Posted in FML issue 2397]