My just turned 1 year old ferret is the joy of my life.  Though I am young
(12) I think of myself as responsible considering I give her baths, food,
water, exersise, clean cage, and lots of love.  I have lots of questions
though.  But first off- nicknames.
Full Name : Paca Diabla
Meaning : Little Devil (Spanish)
Personality : LOVES trashcans-especially the ones with plastic bag lining,
likes to lick peanut butter off of fingers, comes to bike horns and squeky
toys, likes to sleep in couch (not by cushions way into the base of the
Nicknames : my poor little baby, my little angel in ferret feet, smoockums,
honey pie, tired little cookie, Paca-Paca, pretty little baby, baby, darling
Anyway... Do ear cleaners really work?  Do nail clippers stop them from
scratching?  How long do they sleep?  How much exercise time is enough?
When do ferrets out grow being playful and calm down (if ever) ?  I read
somewhere that ferrets bred by poor breeders will never learn to stop
biting.  My breeder wasn't professional (It was more hobby to her) but she
was nice enough and Paca rarely bites(nips- but only for play)besides when
I make her mad or if she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  I was
wondering about the accuarcy of that article.
Thanks for all advice in advance
        -Liza and My Little Angel in Ferret Feet
[Posted in FML issue 2397]