Hi Everyone,
Want to ask everyone to say some extra special prayers for Perry, a rescue
who adopted my friend Noni.  She runs the Houston Area Ferret Association
and a small shelter operation.
Perry came in last year as a rescue, got ece so bad that he was paralyzed
from the neck down.  Noni, a physical therapist, put her skills to work and
Perry now walks with only a slight limp.
I still remember when she called me late one night, crying because Perry
had made it up the stairs all by himself and danced for joy!
Perry had his second adrenal surgery today, ligation of his vena cava.  But
also he had a pancreas proceedure.  This is very iffy for Perry, but he had
a very bad infection, so there was no choice.
Perry is home and being nursed by Noni.  He has been a trouper and needs all
the prayers he can get.  Keep him in your thoughts.  And don't forget Noni.
She has helped a lot of us with our ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2397]