I just wanted to let all of my FML friends know that Sammy is in bad shape.
He has been hospitalized in Indianapolis, IN with pneumonia and a collapsed
lung.  Sammy is having a had time breathing because he has a lot of fluid
in his lungs.
I found a wonderful vet here in Indianapolis that really knows her ferret
stuff.  Her name is Dr. Beth Ann Breitweiser at the "All Wild Things" Animal
Hospital.  I found her by calling Jeanne Ray (actually she wasn't home but
the gentleman that answered gave me Dr. Breitweiser's name "THANK YOU!").
Jeanne Ray was listed as a ferret contact on the Star Ferret Database.  I
knew that I had indeed been led to the right place because when I walked
into the office the first thing I saw was the latest ferret calendar up in
her office and everywhere you looked you could see ferret stuff.
The x-rays showed some scary stuff.  The are "spots" where there shouldn't
be any and his chest has lots of gas in it.  If the gas doesn't subside soon
then she might need to insert a tube to drain some of the gas.  She says
that the spots look like he might have a bad case of cancer but she can't
say for sure without operating.  We will worry about that after we get Sammy
though this fight.  His GI tract is really inflamed also.
I am having to leave him in the care of God and the vet.  I don't know when
I will see him again.  (Just in case someone is reading this that doesn't
know, I am a long haul truck driver and so I am not sure when I will be
passing through Indianapolis again.  I will get a load to Indianapolis to
pick him up but in the mean time I may not be able to come back through
here.)  The vet said that if things go well, he should be doing better in
about 2 weeks but it is hard to tell.
If anyone wants to visit him or send him a get well card both he and I would
appreciate it.  PLEASE remember thought that he HAS had ECE, so if your kids
haven't had ECE then sending a card instead of a visit might be the best.
The address is "All Wild Things" 6058 N. Keystone, Indianapolis, IN, 46220.
Dr. Breitweiser has taken some blood to run a distemper test and also a full
blood work-up.  She will know a lot more when the tests come back.
I will let you know when I know more.
Your FML friend,
Jason, Sammy, Doris, and Buddy
ICQ # 7528859 (Sammy's Dad)
ICQ - www.icq.com
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
P.S.  Please be patient with me and Buddy's Story.  I will get it finished
as soon as possible.  Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 2397]