Ceezer is really sick.  All he does is sleep....which is not normal.  All
through play time he just layed dead in the middle of the floor.  He is
drinking, but wont eat.  I've seen him go to the bathroom once today, and it
looked like molasses.  His nose is dry and rough.  He has blisters around
the edges of his mouth.  I also found a large soar on his head just below
his eyes.  But the blisters and the soar could be caused from him grabbing
the cage and shaking it.  It's a new cage and the bars hit him there.  I've
been gone a week and my mother said he started biting the bars and shaking
the cage friday night, and thats also when she said he started panting real
hard.  I think he might have heat stroke.  Yesterday he seemed ok.  He just
does not want to be in the cage.  Today I left him in my room all day, where
its cool.  I dont dare put him back in the cage.  When I handle him he is
very limp, doesnt even wake up, and if he does he falls right back down.
I'm probally not making much sence, i'm extremely tired.  I am calling the
vet in the morning.
Anyways, the real reason why I'm writing.... Can ferrets get Lice, if so can
I just treat it as fleas??
And....Some one said to me that if a ferret that doesnt get along w/ other
ferrets by age 3, they never will.  Is that true...will Ona never get along
w/ anyone other that Ceezer?
Oh yeah, another thing.  I noticed today that Ona has white hairs scattered
all over her hind legs.  (she's a black sable)  My baby is getting old!! :(
but don't tell her that...I did today and I swear she swore at me.  She gave
me a dirty look and walked away dooking.
Ok, I'm done,
Karri, Ona, Ceezer, Butterscotch, & Xanthius
[Posted in FML issue 2396]