(Continued from Buddy's Story: part 7 . . .)
"Here is the plan.  We will wait until the human has gone downstairs.  You
go down and sit on her lap.  When you get settled on her lap then let me
know and I will open the door and go get the raisins.  If the human gets up
to come up the stairs then you can call to me and I will hurry back to the
"Hmm," thought Cleo, "it should work." "But what about the other cats?"
Jeffery had not thought about them.  "Well, we will just have to deal with
them when the time comes," replied Jeffery.
Thus having discussed the plan they decided that they would put it into
action that very evening.
The rest of the day Jeffery kept going over the plan in his mind.  He
decided that it had to work.  The only loose end was the other cats.  He
knew that he could take care of himself but what if they shut the door on
him and trapped him in the closet.  He pondered that for a little while,
but finally he decided that cats aren't smart enough to think of something
like that.  Feeling much better Jeffery laid back down on the blanket and
took a nap.
Finally evening came and it was time to put their plan into action.  Just
like clockwork the lady went downstairs to watch the box with the moving
pictures on it.  Cleo smiled at Jeffery and then went down the hall and
followed the lady down the stairs.  After what seemed like hours, Cleo
finally told Jeffery that she was on the lady's lap.  But Cleo said that she
could only see her sister and one brother.  That meant that one cat was
unaccounted for.  O well, thought Jeffery, it's now or never.  He went to
the door of the cage and quietly opened it.  He ran over to the doorway that
went into the kitchen and peeked around the corner.  Hmm, where is the other
Well, he could not see him so he went into the kitchen and walked over to
the closet.  The door was open just a crack.  He pushed his nose in the
crack and pushed the door open.  Once the door was open, he looked into the
closet.  Wow, he thought, there are lots of shelves.  How was he ever going
to find the raisins?  He looked around and did not see anything that looked
like raisins or the package that they were supposed to be in.  He saw a
bucket that was about half as tall as the first shelf so he went over and
climbed up on it.  Once on the bucket he stood up and grabbed onto the
bottom shelf and easily pulled himself onto it.  He started searching around
the shelf.  There were lots of things on the shelf.  Jeffery found a few
things that smelled good but nothing that looked like raisins.  He decided
that he would climb up to the next shelf.  He found a box that hung out past
the edge of the shelf a little way, so he climbed up onto that box and then
reached for the next shelf.  He grabbed the edge of it and climbed up onto
the shelf.  This shelf had even more stuff on it then the first one.  He
started looking through the items on that shelf when he accidently bumped a
can.  As soon as he bumped it, he knew he should have been more careful but
it was too late.  The can slipped off the shelf and hit the floor with a
"thud." Jeffery froze.
He was quiet for a minute but nothing happened.  "Whew," he thought to
himself, "That was close." He vowed to be more careful.  He looked all over
that shelf and found a few things that tasted kind of good but he didn't
find any raisins.
It was then that a very strange feeling came over him.  It was like the
raisins were calling to him.  He could "feel" their presence on the next
shelf.  He was excited.  He knew that they were there.
Now he just had to figure out a way to get to them.  The edges of the
shelves were even.  He saw a big can and figured that if he pushed it to
the edge of the shelf he could then stand on it and reach the next shelf.
He pushed the can over to the edge.  He carefully climbed up onto the can
and stood up so he could reach the next shelf.  As he was standing and
reaching for the shelf, he saw something move out of the corner of his eye.
It startled him and he lost his balance.  He lunged toward the shelf and
was able to grab it with only his left front paw.  When the can fell it
landed on top of a glass jar on the floor and shattered the jar with a loud
crashing sound.  As he dangled there, he looked down at the floor.  There
on the floor starting up at him was the missing cat!
(To be continued . . . )
Jason, Sammy, Doris, and Buddy
ICQ # 7528859 (Sammy's Dad)
ICQ - www.icq.com
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[Posted in FML issue 2395]