I have been following the chip converstations.  This issue was brought up
by the city of Albuquerque during the meeting Jason and myself attended
regarding changing the stat of Ferrets from exotic to domestic.  The city
now chips all cats and dogs.  The county howerver, does not have the
equipment to do so.  The same goes for many vets around the city.  The city
spoke of a cost of about $20.00 per animal, that would be added on to the
owner when picked up.  In order for this to work, most vets would have to
get with it and have the equipment to both inject the chip, and to read the
chip.  If only very limited sources have this piece of machine to read the
chip, it wouldn't help a whole lot in my opinion.  This is still pretty new,
you have to keep in mind we are talking about NM here.  This state is
sooooooo slow in getting things done compared to most others.  As more vets
get into chipping, and all animal services have the machine to read the
chips, at that point it will be very effective...till then at least here
in NM it would not be.  I am almost willing to bet that only 2-3 animal
services within the state have the equipment at this time.  You must
remember when talking to Raton (very Northern part of NM) animal services,
Paula was told that they don't have those things (Ferrets) in Raton.  The
same goes for one director in my area, who re-wrote the ordinance book and
only claims that there are MF ferrets being sold.  There are no breeders so
licensing will only include fixed animals...with no price difference for
whole ferrets...well I didn't have the heart to tell her different..LOL.  I
can live with a $8.00 fee for each of my 14 fuzzies.
I am currious to know how many vets around the country actually chip
animals???  Any ideas on this???
hugs to all the fuzzies...
Mini and her gang of 14...
[Posted in FML issue 2395]