Lady crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge at 1030pm Wed 29 July 1998.
Lady had been quite ill as of late.  Her age began to show rapidly.  I did
my best to comfort her in the past few weeks.  Special care and loving
through the night.
Last night I brought Lady to what would have been our new home.  For the
first time in a long time she was able to lay in the grass.  Several times
she tried to play.  Her spirit was there, yet her body was weak.
Knowing her time was drawing near, I told her of the Rainbow Bridge.  How
she would once again be healthy, full of energy.  I told her how her friends
would be there to play with her, and that one day I would join her.
It wasn't the sool breeze that sent shivers down my bak.  It was the way
she looked at the starlit sky, as though loved ones were calling her.  She
gazed at the night sky for a bit, then turned to look at me.  As if to say,
"Daddy, I don't want to leave you".
She looked again to the sky, then crawled up and kissed my ear.  Something
she seldom did.
I came home early from work the night she passed.  I could see her in her
cage, not moving.  Yet I could still see a twinkle in her eyes.  I picked
her up and lay her on the bed.  Resting my face against her body I could
feel her heart beat rapidly.  I tolf her that I loved her, that I knew it
was her time.  That I would always love her and miss her until we were
joined again.
I called my room-mate and his dog (Lady's playmate) Geordi into the room.
I brought my other fuzzy, Furrice, to Lady's side.  We all took our turns
saying "goodbye for now".
As I stroked Lady I could feel her heart slow, then stop.  She was at peace.
All I could do was remember the love and joy we shared.  The love I got
from the ferret that "nobody wanted".  All I could do was cry.
Dear Fur-Angel Lady, you are just barely gone, yet we all miss you so.
Kevin B  (There will never be another like you darling)
Furrice   (Daddy, I have no one to cuddle with now)
[Posted in FML issue 2387]