Seeing as I'm sure there is a lot of subscriber's out there who are
interested in a break from some of the more serious discussons that seem to
have been dominating the list lately, I thought I'd share my most recent
My babies have been given free run of the laundry room, with a huge cage,
and copious amounts of toys, tunnels cardboard boxes, sandbox, etc.  (I
admit it may look somewhat like an eclectic dungeon to the people who visit,
but the little people see it as a "DisneyLand".
The room itself is unfinished and one wall backs up to a bathroom.  I put
some unused doors ~6'8" tall firmly against the wall, and carefully
supervised the little ones for a week, whenever they were allowed "free
run" of the room.  They definatley did try to get around and under to the
unfinished innards behind the bathroom wall and tub but never suceeded.
BUT. .  .
Today I was going upstairs and heard the sctratching pitter patter of a
sneeky weasle going across our wood floors above me (or so I thought).  I
went upstairs to our bedroom to where I though a little weasy pal was
waiting for me.  Then my wife said no she put them back in their room an
hour ago for some food.
Funny, I KNOW I heard a weasle running around above me.
I went to the weasle lair, and found two sleeping angels,  The bestest
buddy was nowhere to be seen though...
I looked in the tunnels, the cardboard hideouts, the paper bags, no where.
I started looking behind the shelves where the furnace is at, to see if he
could have out witted me and found away over those barriers.  (He didn't).
Next I hear a faint scratching...then turn around and look up.  I see a
white little face and long whiskers poking out from the pipes at the ceiling
above their cage.  That is about 8.5 foot high!
I think he Jumped from his sandbox (under the cage) scaled the outside of
his cage (which is 3' tall, and is on a table that is almost 3' tall.) Once
he was on top of the cage he jumped about a foot to the ledge made by the
tops of the doors that block the unfinished wall.  From there he walked to
where the pipes go in to the bathroom above it's ceiling.  AND from there
he was free to run between the two levels in my house!
Needless to say I was somewhat proud for his clever deductive skills, and
his athletic prowess (I wish I could scale the equivalent of a ten story
building with my bare hands).  But obviously this type of behavior cannot
continue... My heart still hasn't stopped pumping.
Well I've learned the hard way (again) that a ferret brain must be 1000
times more effiecent than a human brain, because the little fert outsmarted
me again.  Moral of the story, never underestimate the Ferret!
Watermark ("I wonder if I climb any higher I'll get into space?")
Tiffany ("Hey that food was supposed to be for my babies!")
Kira AKA "Clowny" ("Where's the cat...I'm bored.")
[Posted in FML issue 2394]