Concerning getting the little darlings to accept a leash.  I had not even
thought of it before, I just did it.  Perhaps the magic was to put the leash
on and immediately take them out to the front yard.  They are so excited, if
only we humans could feel that level of excitement, at the new territory and
all the things to explore, didn't notice the leash, of course, I was the one
being led and only stood my ground when they were lunging at something I
didn't want them buried in (such as the monkey grass and vines).  They made
about 3 attempts and then something else caught their eyes and off to
another direction.  After doing this a few times, they just took to a little
pull to change directions and to accompany the feet.
Millie and
Easy Off - the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia - the most not so perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Cascade - the observer (those things are maniacs)
Ajax - the one soon to join the group
[Posted in FML issue 2393]