Hi Everyone,
I have a few things to tell you, but I'll start with Gizmo.
Gizmo is still in a separate cage then the others because I'm still working
on the introduction and I don't want to rush them.  Anyway, I came home from
work today and noticed a cup of pens and pencils knocked all over the floor.
I thought to myself, this wasn't like that when I left this morning.  I
walked into the bedroom to say "hi" to the fuzzies and I noticed Gizmo's
cage was open.  Where was Gizmo?  I went to the other cage to see the
others, and Gizmo comes up to me.  I don't know how long he was out for, but
he got up on the toilet (Lucky for us we always close the lid), into the
garbage, and knocked over everything he could find.  When we let them out,
we usually block off the kitchen and the bathroom.  I am very worried that
he could have gotten into something he shouldn't have.  He seems fine
though, just tired.
My next story is about Sequoia.  My husband had a friend over that knows we
have ferrets and you need to watch were you walk.  I wasn't expecting
anyone, I usually keep them in the bedroom if we have company for safety
reasons.  Well, I got up to see what they were doing and noticed Sequoia
sitting by Patrick's (friend) feet, then I noticed Patrick was standing on
Sequoia's tail.  I panicked, of course, but Sequoia wasn't hurt.  I'm just
mad because Patrick didn't even ask if he was OK.  Some friend....
Sequoia and Gizmo both have a vet appointment Saturday.  Sequoia needs
glucose checked again.  It was a little low last month.  Gizmo is getting
his first check up with our vet.
Our love and prayers to all those who have lost a furbaby and those that are
Teresa & the Fur-tastic Five
Sequoia, Enoch, Callisto, Nemesis, & Gizmo
and our fur angel Loki
[Posted in FML issue 2393]