Once again we are mired in a loop useless discussion based on partial and
selective readings of other peoples thoughts.
I had some wonderful PITA with falafel last night, but I don't think that is
a valid FML topic either.
Get back to the point our ferrets.  On that note I am preparing to board my
ferrets at Sandy DeBput's shelter in Rochester next week while I am away on
vacation.  Even though it is an hour and 45 minute drive both ways to get
there i am much more comfortable leaving them in a place where they willget
playime with ferret knowledgable people, that piece of mind is worth any
amount of travel.  And again the money i would have spent to board them at
the vets is now going to supprt ferrets, definately a good feeling.  Any
suggestions on pre boarding things that i can do to make it easier on them
and me.  I realize with the ferret attention span there may be some re
learning that takes place when i bring them home, any thoughts
Your help would be appreciated
Bob (not the travel cage again)
Marmot( I want to go play with bears dad, can I please)
[Posted in FML issue 2392]