Well, here are two subjects that are just *begging* for my treatment! :)
Those with weak humor genes can skip to the next message.
From what I've seen in the chip industry, it is best to either BAKE or
deep-fry your chips.  Why?  Well, putting chips in the microwave just
doesn't give them the proper crunch that the other methods do (believe me,
my ferrets have tried ALL ways to using the potatoes that they steal!) and,
unless you have the browning apparatus, they tend to be a pasty white.
Though my youngest ferret will eat just about anything, none of the others
will even TOUCH a microwaved chip!  Don't get me started on that Olestra
thing, either...you don't wanna know!
Again, we come to the subject of people using electronic equipment for
tasks for which they were never designed.  Though all of my fuzzies have
taken turns (literally) on the turntable (there's never been a single
record played on it, but there have been lots of ferret tunes!), and they
have investigated the CD Player and even changed the channels on the tuner,
they have NEVER tried to use the stereo to type with.  They are smart
enough to wait until everyone is asleep and use the COMPUTER to type!  If
anyone needs further information on the proper deployment of a stereo for
the amusement of a fuzzy, please write back.  However, all of my fuzzies
would like to pass on the information that TYPING is done on a COMPUTER,
not a STEREO!  Lets get with the program, folx!
The above information was posted for amusement purposes only.  There will
be a charge of $4.95 per minute (the first minute is free!) posted to your
phone bill.  The average call lasts 43 minutes.  The average customer is
typically broke within two phone calls.  Your milage may very.  Always wear
your parachute.  Try not to smile while laughing as this may lead to belief
that you are happy.
Todd and the (Ok, who stole my script?) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2392]