From Mr. Lipinski -
>Do you have any numbers of how many ferrets have been returned to their
>owners because the ferrets were microchipped, and how many ferrets were not
>returned because the finder of the ferret had no idea whatsoever that the
>ferret was microchipped?
My response -
I'm afraid microchipping is done in such a small fraction of the number of
ferrets purchased or adopted as to make it very difficult to say there have
been hundreds of returned family members.  While I know there are only a
handful of us out there who really go to all the expense and effort to
participate in 'chipping, that doesn't deter me!  All the most important
changes in the world had to start somewhere.  While you and I can't tell by
looking that a ferret has been 'chipped, every licensed shelter everywhere
can have access to a free scanner by contacting any 'chip manufacturer...
and I recommend that you get one.  Our local humane society has one, I have
one, I think most vets have one, and they are now made to be "universal",
so that regardless of the brand of chip you use, they can still register
and be traced.
Another insightful comment from Lipinski -
>It would appear that microchipping is a flop in terms of its efficacy,
>since microchip readers are very few in number and the knowledge of
>microchipping is rare in the lay population.  Sorry to be so negative on
>this subject, but microchipping seems to be fatally flawed.
And my response -
Perhaps it is a flop, but only so long as nobody uses it.  At KFA and at
the local humane society, every "stray" is scanned by matter of policy.  We
can't be the only ones!  As a matter of fact, I'd be interested in hearing
from the rest of you in FML land - would you be willing to call your local
SPCA or HS and find out if they scan strays?  It might be worth the effort,
particularly if you are considering what might happen if your ferret does
get out of doors.
Thanks for your comments, Ed.  I appreciate the opportunity to expand on the
topic further.  I'd be hysterical if one of my ferrets were to accidentally
leave the protection of my home, and this is one way I have to feel that
I've done all I can to assure that they come home in that unlikely event.
Best to all -
[Posted in FML issue 2391]