Been very busy with sick ferts lately :( and can't stay long - so this
will be quick:
Microchips - I have to disagree with Melissa about the "controversy" of
microchipping.  No, I dont microchip the little ones that come into the
shelter, but I wish I could afford to.  However, we do have one that was
chipped by her former owner, and I can readily find the chip on Trella.
Its about the size of a grain of rice(little over 1/4" in length), and just
under the skin on her neck.  Very easily found and no mistaking it for a
tumor or growth.  If I remember correctly, there are 2 types of chips, but
the scanners now being produced will read either chip.  The Va Beach SPCA
now has the scanner and I am sure has been instrumental in returning a
stray to its owner.
Distemper shots - if the ferret has an unknown history of vaccination, then
the ferret does need a series of 2 shots three weeks apart.
Medical waste - I have the container for "biological hazards" specifically
for used needles.  It was easily obtained from the local recycling company -
and when it is full, I simply drop it off at one of their recycling
locations.  But before that, I would break the needle off in the empty vial
and dispose of the rest of the syringe.  Your vet may also be able to
provide you with the proper container for disposal, and may even go so far
as to take care of the full container for you when its full.  Never hurts
to ask, and I agree that you should not just throw the needles away.
Sukie - sorry to hear about Spotty.  Hope the little guy gets better.
Lisa, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
[Posted in FML issue 2391]