On a gloomy day in October in a dirty musty old wooden building at an exotic
animal auction in Kansas there were 21 breeder ferrets up for sale.  The
conditions at these auctions is appalling and the ferrets have been
mistreated/abused/neglected and are very untrusting of humans.
One of these ferrets was a small 4 yr old sable female.  The lady that
rescued the little one knew what the fate of these auction ferrets (3 others
were bought by another lady and they died within months - they were kept
outside in a cage during the freezing cold winter and did not survive) were
if not bought by ferret knowledgeable, caring, loving humans and she
wouldn't let that happen to this little girl.  What she didn't bank on was
how badly this little sable had been abused and neglected.  Shortly after
taking this little one home she was aptly named Hellion.  She'd strike like
a snake and leave little holes where her teeth contacted flesh.  The lady
worked with Hellion for a couple months and made little progress.  Hellion
was spayed and moved into a foster home to be worked with.  Hellion
continued her strike bites and also chased her new caretaker.  Hellion did
not like other ferrets and would scream and strike at them.  We discovered
that Hellion was blind in one eye and determined that the striking behavior
towards us may partially be due to not being able to see well and she quite
possibly thought she was striking at another ferret (obviously we smelled
like ferret from handling the other ferrets).  Little progress was made
there too so I moved Hellion into our home.  The first night she slept in a
comfy 2 level cage (she never moved off the first level).  The second day I
moved Hellion (minus the cage) into the front bedroom which is equipped with
all the ferret necessities and then some.  There are 3 open carriers with
blankies, two cages (1 large 2-story for long time-outs and 1 with bedding
and hammock that stay open all the time), sleeping boxes, pvc pipe, a green
turtle with a quilt in it for sleeping groups, several litter boxes
strategically placed (or so I think), a food buffet and water.  Hellion was
left to the room, that is always open (no barrier over doorway), to chose
her sleeping place.  The first week I saw Hellion come out to eat and I fed
her assorted treats.  She would let me pet her and I'd let her sniff my open
palm.  She'd stand at my shoes and look at them.  A light went on!  She
wanted me to pick her up - that was her way of asking.  Then one day she
stepped out of the bedroom and came down the hallway to look into the
kitchen to see what I was doing.  She stood in the hallway and just watched.
I felt someone watching and turned to see who it was.  I softly spoke to
Hellion and went to gently pat her back.  She let me then turned to go back
to her room.  Another day she came into the bathroom when I was getting
ready for work.  And yet another she came into the living room and sniffed
at Nancy's foot.  Each time we softly talked to her and gently patted her
back.  The time she sniffed Nancy's foot I did pick her up and take her back
to her room though.
Hellion has made leaps of progress... on her own terms.  I let her do what
she wants and when she wants.  She still chases other ferrets away from her
bedding area (of which she has 3) but she will occasionally eat from the
same platter with them (the lunch tray IF the ferret is eating from the
other side compartment).
Tears spring to my eyes at each forward step.  I want to pick her up and
cuddle and kiss her but I know she is not quite ready to be showered with
my affection, so I wait.  Some day I will see her do the dance of joy and
she will willingly accept my loving caresses.  Some day I know the ferret
silently lurking within will step out into this wonderful loving world.
And when she does, I will be there to greet her.
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2391]