Can someone please give some background info on microchipping.  Are there
different types of chips (manufacturers); can they only be read by their
own system or are they interchangeable; if you moved from one area to
another, what are the chances your chip could be read, etc. etc.
Also, it really bothers me to see a whole group of people lumped together as
if everyone thought identically on every issue.  I know LOTS of PETA members
who are very caring, sincere, dedicated people, who truly love animals and
work very hard to help them.  I may disagree with the Catholic position on
abortion, but I don't think all Catholics are idiots.  I believe lumping
together everyone who belongs to a certain organization is narrow minded at
best and dangerous at worst.  If all the people who say they care about
animals worked together, we would have solved most of the problems long ago.
Nuff said.
--Ronnie in Massachusetts
where the sprites are smart, the gibs are strong, and the kits are all
Ralphie (relocates the squeaky dog toys from the kitchen to the living room)
Harry (hides the dog's chew bones)
Prince Charming (moves the squeaky dog toys back to the kitchen)
Merlin (bathtub drain inspector)
Roxanne (scratch my neck some more there, please)
Petunia (small but fearless climber)
Epcot (in charge of putting the laundry away)
Clover (all white with various shades of pink and just plain CUTE)
[Posted in FML issue 2390]