that post about the human sized tent indoors is giving me ideas <G>
Fidget has his own little ferret tent, a Christmas present from his
grandma.  He loves the tent (and so do my cats) and has all kinds of good
stuff stashed in it.  The tent usually stays in the living room but we move
it around-on the couch, under the chair, in the corner.  He loves playing
in it in different locations.  Well I am babysitting my MOm's 14 year old
dog who is not so agile as she once was.  She is afraid of Fidget so when
he has run time, the dog goes into another room.  Well this morning the
poor thing lost her balance and sat on Fidget's tent.  In my hurry to make
all the furs happy this morning, I neglected to fix the tent before Fidget
was allowed out.  Imagine his dismay when he found the tent collapse.  I
felt so neglectful as I watched him flatten himself out and try to crawl
in.  He was very relieved when I picked it up to fix it and he hopped up to
supervise me, making sure I got it all right.
chris and Fidget, the WVU weasel
[Posted in FML issue 2380]