Hi FML'ers,
I'm fairly new fert owner and to the list , (4mths) And I have a question
and I don't think I have ever seen before I just got an albino.  (I named
her Winter)
My question is how sensitive are their eyes and skn to the sun and bright
light?  She is now 12 weks old and a little clumsy, but she seems to bump
into things a lot!  She can see, And I know ferrets don't have the best
sight, But is she at a bigger disadvantage being an albino?  Also, I take
my other two outside for walks, Can I, or should I take her out?
My other two are both dark sables and love to go outside!  (Munchkin
8months, and sugar 2 1/2 years old) Sugar is not adjusting to the new
stranger in her house very well either I'm afraid!  Every chance she gets
when I try to intoduce them she lunges for her neck and shakes Winter all
over the place.
Sugar is not even the one who runs the house, Munchkin does!  Sugar was the
second one to the family, about a week after I bought Munckin.  A lady who
works there at the vets had a fert she got from somebody else who had to
get rid of her, Now the lady from the vets had to get rid of her (too many
BIG dogs she said)
Anyway, That's how I got her.  She adjusted very well to Munchkin.  She is
very sweet and does'nt bite at all.  I thought that I would have a bigger
problem with Munchkin, Who still likes to nip a little.  But getting better
all the time!
Well that's enough rambling on,
Thanks for listening, And ALL the great advice past, present and
Mark owned by,
Munchkin (hey, he left raisin can down  again let's grab it and go)
Sugar (we've got to eliminate the stranger first)
Winter ( I just want to play, whats the big deal with raisins anyway,
         And why does she attack me anyhow!)
A parakeet  (named Bird)  Why does he keep getting more of these things?
                          I was here first!
and two tanks of fish!!
Hobbes to Calvin
(After crashing, from riding down a hill in a wagon)
"It's not the pace of life I mind.
It's the sudden stop at the end."
[Posted in FML issue 2417]