Hi Everyone,
Wow, what a stressful day yesterday was!  I better start at the beginning...
Last Weds.  evening, my husband and I noticed one of our males (Tasslehoff)
straining to poop.  We checked the litter box and he had been pooping, but
very small ones.  We gave him some Vaseline mixed with cat laxative, worried
about a possible blockage.  We kept him isolated that night, and his poops
did seem more productive, but the diameter was still very thin.
I stayed home from work the next day (yesterday), gave him some more
Vaseline/laxative mix in the morning, and scheduled him with the vet for
that afternoon.  He wasn't interested in his food, and about 10:00 am, he
vomited the vas/lax mix, so I called the vet again even more worried about
a blockage, and they had me bring him in right away.  After an exam and
X-rays still not showing a definitive blockage, we opted to go ahead and do
exploratory surgery, since he was exhibiting clinical signs, such as a 2
inch swelling and localized pain in the lower abdomen.  It was an awful
decision to have to make and I went to see my baby boy before he went in,
and I basically lost it in the examining room.  One of the vet techs was so
nice though and came in and hugged me, and promised an update on his
condition.  She really helped me out.  O.K. back to the story! - Tasslehoff
had also exhibited bilateral hair loss on his tummy and we were going to
have the Tenn. Panel done anyway, so I told the vet to check out his
adrenals too.
Well, a few hours later while trying to bury my misery, guilt, and worry,
in a good book (sorta worked), the vet called with the final update, and
what a surprise!  Both of Tasslehoff's adrenals were visibly bad, so the
vet had removed the left and debulked the right.  No blockage though!
Apparently, the vet said the intestine was swollen, but he couldn't feel a
blockage which he said he would be able to, if one did indeed exist.  So at
least he didn't have to open up Taslehoff's intestine.  The vet reasoned
it's some kind of Gastrointestinal Problem (GI) problem, but we need to let
Tasslehoff recover first from his surgery, which he did do very well during
- Thank you God!!!  He stayed at the vet's last night, and had an appetite
as well, so I get to pick up my little woozel boy today, and I plan on
nursing him all weekend at the least!
O.K. so after this phone call, I get suspicious about this possible GI
problem, and I thoroughly check out our 3 other ferts, and guess what?!  Our
female Jasla who had adrenal surgery just last March, and is Tasslehoff's
cage mate as well, also was exhibiting the small poopies.  So we isolated
her with us last night, and she also vomited a tad bit this morning, and
also won't eat her food or Duck Soup.  We've been getting some Ferrevite
and fluid in her though, but it looks like the exact same thing Tasslehoff
has.  We have our 2 other ferts in a different cage, and we're hoping they
don't start up with this stuff as well.
So, do any of you guys know what the heck is going on!?  I thought it
strange that our 2 adrenal ferts end up with this swollen intestine, small
poopie, vomiting, lack of appetite thing!  The vet knows about Jasla, and
we're going to talk to him tonight when we pick up Tasslehoff.  I also was
wondering what the difference is between debulking the adrenal gland and
ligating the vena cava?  I'm a little confused on that.  Any ideas,
experiences, suggestions, etc.  would be very welcome.  Please reply to
[log in to unmask]  Thanks so much you wonderful fert folks you!
Anita - worried fert Mom
Jasla - Mom, my tummy feels funny, but I'm gonna roll over and give you
        my cutest look anyway!
Tasslehoff - So, Mr. vet guy, do you have anymore of that isoflurane
         stuff - Woo Hoo!!!
Silk and Sprite - We're just hanging out in our hammock until this blows
[Posted in FML issue 2380]