Howdy FML ;o)
Ferris sez his dookdook ta all and a gits well soon, and gives a special
fur kiss and hugs to all who've lost loved ones recently, our prayers is
always with ya all.
We're actually jus gettin ready to head down to da big city of Vancouver
tonight, we'll only be stayin fer a few days, (til tue.) as we have to
have some medical treatment down there.  BUT we just wanted to satisfy ours
curosity concerning a recent post, and several replys to it, which concerned
the "poisining" of a fert by "some" particular new fertfood, did we miss
the answer to all the queries posted as to "WHAT" food it is which was
responsible in this event??!!!  If NOT, could the person please post us
the name of the food so we can AVOID IT!!  And if we DID miss it could ya
possibly repeat it for our benefit now then?!  This really does terrify us
and we'd really like to save any similar encounter ourselves!
Well best git packed, we pray God's Grace for ya all as always.
Ferris "Ya goin somes place mom? Hey I fits in dis bag perfect!!"
and his mom
Deba Brezden
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[Posted in FML issue 2415]