If you encounter one of these PLEASE, post your location!!!!!!!!  Several
of us are trying to track this (these?) and sharing the info with vets.  So
far reports with locations are all from PA, MD, NY, OH, and NJ.  What is
being seen: a disease or diseases -- TYPICALLY INVOLVING MOUTH SORES AND
WASTING -- which MAY also involve diarhea or pudding consistency stools
(without the necrotic smell ECE stools get), anemia (in at least one case
with secondary sepsis and stroke), no GI tract bleeding, no enlarged
spleens, dehydration, kidney problems in some cases (Please, ask your vet
if the kidney problems were primary since mouth sores and serious symptoms
can result from kidney disease, or if they are secondary so possibly
resulting form the disease or the dehydration.  So far multiple owners say
their vets have reported that they suspect the kidney problems were caused
by the illness(es) and these tended to be fatal.
In Spot's case we had blood work done, but have to wait a while before doing
so again.  It basically looked like fighting a chronic infection, with one
kidney value just slightly in bad range (but consistent with a ferret who
had a rough time with ECE in his past, requiring regular sub-Qs, and who has
been somewhat dehydrated in the early stages of this illness), electrolytes
fine.  Even checked his blood sugar when the stroke happened and it was
fine.  Have not heard of any of the cases with any blood work which helped,
AND ONE OR A FEW WOULD NOT.  Fecals have not shown anything so far.
Some locations reported just one or a few animals sick but some reported a
number sick, some reported that the most ill were already compromised
animals but others stated that they were seeing cases with no rhyme or
reason.  (Makes me wonder in those cases if the compromised animals which
weren't sick may have had a past exposure to a related but less severe
illness of which this may be a sport.)
Have heard that ferret-specialist-vets are discussing this (these) a lot
now, that the prevailing suspicion is that it (they) are viral, but that
antibiotics may help avoid secondary bacterial illnesses, that NO cure has
been found.  Rather it seems to be a matter of extremely careful supportive
care for as long as needed.  There are survivors here on the list.  There
have been reports of RAPID shifts in levels of health, so remember that.
We encountered that ourselves.  Some of the survivors have been on IV,
some have used sub-Q fluids to get through the most dangerous points of
dehydration.  We have also done dropper feeding and spoon feeding, as have
many others.  Foods MUST all be soft to allow the mouth sores to heal --
things like AD (available from vet) have worked well.  During the worst of
it they can be mixed with water, too.  Nutrical is useful.  When Spot got
somewhat better we found that he'd eat more if he also had pound cake, and
we have added butter (not margarine -- butter) to his AD to help.  He's
getting to the point where he plays again in short bouts and keeps a stable
weight (with a little help).  He has not had any recent dehydration
This is like the early days of ECE.  Those were HORRIBLE, but now that
people know what to do the death rate is low, though a good number of older
or compromised animals can be lost or left with PERMANENT health problems.
(People who do not know what ECE is should be sure to read the medical FAQ
on this topic, and should read the other medical FAQs, too, and get them to
your vet since doing so beforehand could save your ferret's life.) Right
now we're all in the dark, but with careful supportive care there have been
survivors (though there have also been a number of deaths).  At some point
someone will find something beyond supportive care which is consistently
mail from me in case I learn anything, please let me know directly to put
your name on a short temporary group list.)  IF ANYONE WITH MORE TIME THAN
PLEASE DO SO!!!!!!!!!!!
I am NOT -- reeat NOT -- a vet.  I am just trying to let folks know about
this and tracking it in case it spreads so folks in those areas will know
what little anyone knows on what to do.
Again, read the Medical FAQs and get them to your vet; they save lives.
********Bill, Could you remind people how to get the medical FAQs?*********
[Email [log in to unmask] and write GET DISEASE PACKAGE FERRET in the
*body* (not the Subject:) of the email.  BIG]
They can also be read at Pam Greene's marvelous http://www.ferretcentral.org
Both Bill and Pam save many lives every day with the information they make
available!  You two KNOW you are appreciated! <G>
[Moderator's note: Pam compiled all that good info and even stores them on
the server here -- she gets most of the credit for this one.  Pam, the
server typically gets several requests daily for that package of files, so
be assured it is not a waste of time.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2415]