I'm very concerned about my ferret, Casey.  She has developed a bright red
spot on her belly - very round and centered around a slightly raised bump
in the middle.  It has come and gone about four times in the last few
months.  It gets really red and then it fades and goes away, leaving just
a slight skin-colored mark where it was.  It just came back again.  She
doesn't seem bothered by it or when I touch or poke at it.  I'm concerned
because I've heard that in people, skin cancer lesions often come and go
too.  Does anyone have any ideas?  My vet isn't very good but I'm taking
her there anyway.  The problem is that it heals in a few days so it's hard
for the vet to really see what it looks like at it's worst.  Has anyone
heard of this before?
[Posted in FML issue 2414]