Sweetheart is 6 hours post surgery and sleeping peacefully.  Her left
adrenal gland was slightly enlarged and was removed this morning.  Within 2
hours she was eating the Duck Soup I sent with her - which so impressed our
vet that she asked for the recipe!
Thanks to everyone who sent suggestions - to Marsha Stanek : You were
absolutely right about not fasting Sweetheart for more than 6 hours before
surgery.  Dr. Wiggins recommended feeding her Duck Soup 4 hours before
surgery which I did.  Sweetheart had no nausea and was bright eyed and ready
to go home 4 hours after surgery.  She ate 4 oz. of Duck Soup as soon as we
got home and then promptly "crawled" up the ramp in the big cage, so I put
her in the smaller cage where she curled up in a hammock and fell asleep.
Thanks again!!!  Janice in Boise
[Posted in FML issue 2414]