Hi everyone, well Sydnie is now eating on her own.  She's even enjoying a
couple of veggie treats.  She is putting on weight and is just sooo
adorable.  Also, she isn't crying as much as she was.  The Pet Store owner,
Dave, took her to a vet (she looks after lots of ferrets) to have a look at
the little nodule in her neck.  The vet says not to worry, that it's a
reaction to her first set of shots.  It should clear up within a week or so.
If not, I will take her to the vet myself.  Sigh....it's funny what a little
fur ball can do to you!
Does anyone know where I can get a little snuggly to put her in under my
coat in the winter?  Or perhaps someone out there knows the best way to make
something that will hold a fert comfortably and safely on your chest while
walking.  In the morning and late at night, my little girl loves to ride
around inside my housecoat with her little head popping out the front.  She
loves to sleep like that.
Best wishes to all,
[Posted in FML issue 2412]