Hi, I've sent mail to this ferret-list lots of times, and always got lots of
answers.  Soon, (like in 1-2 months,) I'm going to be a ferret.owner, and
then I think it's okey to get adwise from you people who have got
What yoys do the ferret like best, and when can I start using the harness,
and can I use the same harness all the time, or should I change when the
ferret grow older or can I use the same one(will it grow out of it?) These
are maybe silly questions, but it's okey to know how much it'll cost to
begin with.  if you've got some adwise or something, please mail me,...
I also would like a mail-friend (or pen friend your choice) who have got a
ferret, no-one I know know a shit about these cute animals, I'd love to know
someone who did.......
Sandra Iren
[Posted in FML issue 2411]