Hi there!  I'm posting this one out to the experts.  Jasper asked me if
ferrets mark territory like male cats do - you know, by spraying.  I didn't
think so - all of my guys are descented and neutered/spayed, by the way.  I
read somewhere that they have little scent glands behind their ears and
mark things by rubbing against them but otherwise unless they actually go
potty somewhere (and I've been very vigilant about watching out for this
everywhere), they don't mark in that sort of way.  Can someone please
clarify this for me??  I need vet proof preferably (always seems to hold
more water - no offense to anyone else really!!!) - Peter seems to think
they spray or something like it - and it would be nice to show him that no
they don't!  At least, I really hope they don't .....
Again, please e-mail me directly as I'm not getting the FML presently.
Thanks again in advance!!!  Oh, and thanks to all of you who have e-mailed
me with other suggestions about "descenting"!  Take care and hugs to all!
George, Jasper and the Tribe
(Mama - we don't *stink*, do we???   No, my dears, don't worry!)
[Posted in FML issue 2411]