This is just to let all of Sammy's FML's friends know that he has crossed
the Rainbow Bridge.  He is now with his old friend Tommy who left us
abruptly a year ago last Christmas.
He died in my arms, this moirning, with me telling him how wonderful the
Rainbow Bridge is and that he should go and play.
Sammy lived a full and happy life.  During his time here on Earth he
traveled though every state in the United States except for Maine.  He
loved to climb up on my lap and look out the window as we traveled this
nations highways.  He has been a gaurdian and a friend to myself.  He has
lifed my spirits when I was sad and made me laugh when I was feeling down.
Sammy, you were my true, unselfish, and loving friend.  I will miss you.
Until we meet again my friend,
In Loving memory of Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 2411]