Congratulations on you new little one.
United is the name of the manufacturer of Fervac D.  They make other
vaccines as well of course, and many dog vaccines are multi-purpose and not
needed for ferrets.  Fervac is the only canine distemper vaccine tested
safe and effective for ferrets.  Galaxy D from Solvay is also used by many
shelters and breeders who feel it is less likely to cause a reaction than
Fervac.  Galaxy is closely related to a now discontinued vaccine called
Fromm that was labeled for ferret use.  In any case, reactions are rare,
but stay at the vet's office for at least 30 minutes after the shot in case
it does happen.
The number of shots depends on the age of the ferret.  The shots should be
3-4 weeks apart and the last one should be when the ferret is at least 14
weeks old and the immune system has developed.  If your baby just had his
first shot, give the next one at about 10 weeks and the final at 14.  Then
wait two weeks for the rabies (Imrab 3 ONLY!)
Let us know what name he picks!
Linda Iroff
North Coast Ferret Shelter West
"The Raisin Retreat"
Oberlin, Ohio
[Posted in FML issue 2410]