I will never have a microchip placed in any of my pets or children or
myself when it reaches that level!!
I believe this to be only an experiment to make sure the chips are safe
and accurate before eventually placing them in children and then adults.
I will NEVER allow this to be done to me or anyone in my family.  It gives
the government and anyone else to much power.  They can tell where you are
every second of every day.  That would give them absolute and complete
control over every human and animal.
I refuse to help the government gain complete control of every living being
by offering my ferrets or my other pets up for this so called chip that will
help them find your lost pet.  JUST BE A RESPONSIBLE pet owner and you do
not have to worry about losing a pet or even a child.
It looks to me like this country is falling apart fast and eventually this
country will no longer be ruled by the people who are represented by a
president, but a nation that is ruled by one power that has absolute
control if these things like micro chipping are allowed to continue and be
Before anyone of you think about flaming me take some time to realisticly
think about this and other things that have happend(usual amount of natural
disasters, ect....) or are about to happen(the year 2000 bug) and you may
understand what I am saying.  Even if you don't agree it is your opinion
and this is mine so don't bother sending me private mail to disagree with
my ideas it will be a waste of your time because I am very good with the
delete key.  They will never get read.
[Posted in FML issue 2388]