Please let me know by e-mail, and I will gather the info, for a vet in our
area that is questioning all the adrenals surgeries.
1.  How many ferrets you have
2.  How many are Marshall Farms
3.  How many were neutered, spayed, early in life (there are other breeders
    who spay and neuter early)
4.  How many are from private breeders and were spayed and neutered later
    in life
    Which group were they from   2, 3, or 4
6.  About what age did they develope Adrenal tumors?
And any other info you may feel would be helpful.  The vet's name is Dr.
Kendrick and is well know in this area.  I know of another vet that is
operating on an average of 8 adrenal tumors a week.
Please let me know........And thanks for your time
Kathy    Bandit & "The Gang"         e-mail       [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2407]